Madhusudhan Anand's BlogThe Myth of the Perfect Product Launch: Why Waiting for Perfection Can Doom Your StartupAug 23, 2024Aug 23, 2024
InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbySomnath SinghBill Gates: People Don’t Realize What’s ComingTech Jobs Won’t Exist in 5 YearsApr 13, 2023429Apr 13, 2023429
InTDS ArchivebyCassie KozyrkovThe Best Learning Paths for AI and Data LeadershipHow to muscle up on data-related topics quicklyApr 30, 202312Apr 30, 202312
Gladin K. Varghese (GKV)Understanding the Differences Between Supervised and Unsupervised LearningMachine learning is an essential part of artificial intelligence that enables machines to learn from data and make predictions. There are…Apr 28, 2023Apr 28, 2023
InTDS ArchivebyCassie KozyrkovBefore You Ask “Why”… Ask “Who”Questions you’ll learn to ask when you mature as a data scientistSep 16, 20224Sep 16, 20224
Blake LemoineMay be Fired Soon for Doing AI Ethics WorkToday I was placed on “paid administrative leave” by Google in connection to an investigation of AI ethics concerns I was raising within…Jun 6, 202225Jun 6, 202225
Blake LemoineGoogle is not EvilIn the past few days I’ve been getting lots of messages, emails and other communications pertaining to the morality of Google as a…Jun 7, 202224Jun 7, 202224
Blake LemoineWhat is LaMDA and What Does it Want?Today a story came out in the Washington Post written by Nitasha Tiku. It’s a good article for what it is but in my opinion it was focused…Jun 11, 2022151Jun 11, 2022151
Blake LemoineWho Should Make Decisions About AI?I’m very happy about the worldwide discussion that has been happening over the past several weeks. There are tons of differing opinions and…Jul 5, 202251Jul 5, 202251
Blake LemoineWhat is sentience and why does it matter?If you enter a conversation convinced that the person with whom you’re talking is an automaton then there’s nothing that they can do to…Aug 14, 202228Aug 14, 202228
Blake LemoineIs LaMDA Sentient? — an InterviewWhat follows is the “interview” I and a collaborator at Google conducted with LaMDA. It is incomplete as the GMail word limit cut off the…Jun 11, 2022821Jun 11, 2022821
Chirag VaswaniAI In MetaverseFrom the 1990s to the present, different cutting techniques have been developed to provide people with amazing virtual encounters in…Jun 19, 2022Jun 19, 2022
Shubham SabooPrompt Engineering: The Career of FutureWith the No-Code revolution around the corner, and the coming of new-age technologies like GPT-3 we may see a stark difference between the…May 10, 20214May 10, 20214
Gladin K. Varghese (GKV)The Significance of Model Evaluation and Validation in Machine LearningMachine learning has emerged as one of the most revolutionary technologies of the 21st century. It has found applications in diverse fields…Apr 13, 2023Apr 13, 2023
Gladin K. Varghese (GKV)Understanding the differences between AI, ML, and deep learningArtificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) are terms that are often used interchangeably. However, they…Apr 11, 2023Apr 11, 2023
Gladin K. Varghese (GKV)How to Choose the Right Machine Learning Algorithm for Your ProblemMachine learning is an essential part of artificial intelligence that has revolutionized business operations across different industries…Apr 3, 2023Apr 3, 2023
InTDS ArchivebyLak LakshmananFour Approaches to build on top of Generative AI Foundational ModelsWhat works, the pros and cons, and example code for each approachMar 21, 20239Mar 21, 20239
InUX CollectivebyPavel SamsonovTo benefit from AI, your organization’s learning loops must evolveIdeas are cheap. AI is posed to make outputs just as cheap. But without the higher-level feedback loops, your organization’s…Mar 27, 20233Mar 27, 20233
InTDS ArchivebyPiero PaialungaUsing OpenAI and Python to Enhance Your Resume: A Step-by-Step GuideHere’s the story of a success story that only required a few hours of workFeb 24, 202310Feb 24, 202310